Master Thesis
For the preparation of the Master’s Thesis (Article 34, Par. 4 of Law 4485/2017), students must have completed the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semesters of the Study Program. For the selection of the subject of the Thesis, the student collaborates with a member of the Teaching and Research Staff (T.R.S.) of the cognitive field that interests them. After formulating the topic and consulting with the T.R.S. member, they submit the proposal of the topic to the Coordinating Committee (C.C.) of the P.S.P. by the end of the 3rd semester (proposed title, proposed Supervisor, short summary of the proposed Thesis). The above T.R.S member is proposed as the Supervisor of the Master’s Thesis by the C.C. of the P.S.P. and is appointed in the General Assembly (GA) of the Department. The preparation of group master’s theses is foreseen.
The presentation of the Master’s Thesis is supported before the Three-Member Examining Committee on a date and place determined by the Department’s Assembly. The presentation is public. Following its approval by the Committee, it is compulsorily posted on the website of the concerned School.
For a Master’s Thesis to be approved, it must meet the following requirements:
1) The subject and content of the Thesis has to be relevant to the academic subject of the P.S.P and reflect its scientific character
2) the work must be original
3) the thesis, without necessarily having completely new elements, should be done in a way of approaching the sources and the bibliography, in order to convincingly document the research effort and performance of the student.
4) The paper must include a detailed table of contents, a table of abbreviations (if necessary), a summary in Greek and English and a bibliography table. The work (not including everything described in the previous period) must be at least 60 (sixty) single-sided letterpress sheets in Times New Roman font (size 12, 1.5 spacing, fully aligned).
5) By decision of the Department Assembly, it is possible to extend the time for writing and submitting the Master’s Thesis by one (1) year. The submitted work is judged no later than three months after its submission. If this deadline passes, the subject is deleted from the list and the study cycle is considered not to have been completed.
6) It is not possible to change the subject of the Master’s Thesis, except after a reasoned recommendation of the Supervisor, the recommendation of the C.C. of the P.S.P. and the decision of the General Assembly of the Department. A change of topic is in no case a reason for extending the deadlines for submitting the Thesis. In case of modification or improvement of the subject, a written application of the student to the C.C. is required.
7) When the preparation and writing of the thesis is finished, it is submitted in 4 copies to the Secretariat of the P.S.P., with the concurrence of the supervising professor that it meets the conditions to be admitted for judging.
8) Greek and English are defined as the languages of preparation of the Master’s Thesis.
9) After the appointment of the three-member examination committee, the Director of the P.S.P. sends the work to its members, who must decide within 30 days from the sending on its acceptance or not and its grading, with a rating scale of 0-10, before sending the Minutes of the student’s examination to the Secretariat of the School of Medicine. A member of the three-member examination committee can justifiably request an extension of up to 30 days, while after the expiry of this period, and if the member does not meet their obligations, they must be replaced. In this case, the procedure must be completed within one month of the end of the 30-day extension.
10) For the final judgment and grading of the student’s Master’s Thesis, the three-member examining committee invites them to a public examination on the topic of their thesis. The invitation and announcement for the public examination of the candidates is addressed by the Director of the P.S.P., after consultation with the Supervising Professor, who coordinates the process and presides over it.
Master’s Thesis GUIDE
Cover template
Title Page Template
APA bibliographic system
1.1. Subject statement form
1.2. Application for an oral presentation
1.3. Application for extension of work
1.4. Gradebook
1.5. Application for the award of a degree
2.1. Instructions for submission to the AUTH Central Library
2.2. Delivery to the AUTH Central Library
2.3. Diploma thesis details – AUTH Central Library
2.4. Covid-19 Deposit at the AUTH Central Library